Friday, October 30, 2009

the ride to craziness starts HERE!


I opened my eyes to a beautiful morning. I stretched, yawned, and started to go down. I didn't realize I lost my grip, and well the stupidest thing, fell down from my bed with a big KABOOM! My sister, Claudia, came in immediately and asked, "What happened? I heard a crash. Are you alright??" She looked down on me and started to laugh, "You fell down from your bed?? HAHA!!!!" I got up angrily. Who cares? As if she hasn't fell from her own bed I passed by her and went to the kitchen, she was not going to ruin such a wonderful morning. I ate breakfast, went to the bathroom and stared at the mirror. What a beautiful face, I thought to myself. I gazed upon it for minutes, so pretty, it was hard to believe it was me. After brushing my teeth and taking a bath, I dressed in my uniform and combed my gorgeous hair. I looked at the mirror once again and smiled, I would never get tired of my face. I stepped out the house and was surprised. I couldn't move my shoe. It was stuck, on a chewing gum. I can't! I kept on pulling it but it won't budge. Finally, I decided it's time to be serious, I grabbed a pair of scissors and started to cut - actually saw; then I was free. Even though the shoe I have left has no heel anymore, at least I was not going to be late. I was on my way to the greatest school evaaar, MCA.

Hi! this is Cathy Vecena and this is my crazy life.